Thursday, November 17, 2011

Symptoms 101: PCOS and Acne

As I'm sure you know, PCOS and acne go hand in hand. I've had acne since I was 10 years old. I'm now 25. So, I've been dealing with acne for well over half of my life. Lovely. I went to a few different dermatologists during my teenage years, but nothing seemed to help. I bounced from one product to another, never with much continued success. Adding to the frustration was the fact that I have been "blessed" with extremely sensitive skin and eyes.

My skin is certainly not perfect. There are good days and bad. The few days before my period are guaranteed to be atrocious. However, my skin is light years ahead of where it used to be. This is what works for me:

  1. I wash my face with Clean & Clear Continuous Control Acne Cleanser every morning in the shower. I've been using this face wash for 5 years now, and it really makes a difference. The active ingredient is 10% benzoyl peroxide. This will bleach your towels and sheets though, so you need to convert to all white linens (it makes laundry easier anyway).
  2. I use Philosophy Hope in a Jar moisturizer every day. This is my favorite product of all time. I sometimes think I would rather go without food than go without this moisturizer.
  3. I only use bareMinerals makeup. This was spurred by my eye sensitivity more than anything, but it seems to have helped clear up my skin too.
  4. At night I apply a tiny bit of Tazorac cream to any active acne.
  5. I wash my sheets and makeup brushes at least once a week.
What do you do to keep your acne under control? Please feel free to share your tips!

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